Have a question?

Deciding to have training is the first step and below are some FAQs to help guide you. Please get in touch with any further questions you may have.

Where is BFitness based ?

We don't have a specific location, as a mobile trainer we can travel to you and train you either at home, in the park or online

How much does it cost ?

The cost for training varies depending on how many sessions you are looking to do per week, how long you are looking to commit for your goals etc. please get in touch and we can discuss what suits based on your needs.

How do sessions work ?

The minimum commitment to a programme is 3 months as this is how long it normally takes to get you a result either in weight loss, strength, rehab or general fitness. you can do between 1-3 sessions a week 45min to an hour max. If you need more detail regarding the programme please get in touch.

What sort of times do you work ?

Monday to Friday from 6am to 8pm.

How long are sessions ?

Sessions are between 45min to 1 hour max.

Do you provide meal plans ?

Whilst we are qualified nutritionist to give you a formal meal plan, we do work alongside a qualified nutritionist so if this is something that you need this can be arranged. Otherwise we can give you advice in terms of what to eat.  

How does your online programme work ?

Online coaching through either WhatsApp, Facetime, or Zoom. Similar to my in person the programme lasts for a minimum of 3 months.

How do I sign up to your programme ?

It starts with a phone conversation where we cover and align on the following points:

  • Your fitness goals

  • Any injuries that should be taken into account

  • Your expectations from the programme

Once we have aligned, we would set up a trial session which involves:

  • An assessment of your overall health and fitness

  • A plan to help you reach your goals

  • An outline of the cost and fitness schedule

  • Alignment on when to start the plan

Can you tailor a session to work around my injuries ?

We know a fair bit about injuries from experience so depending on what type of injury you have we will assess and come up with a suitable training programme to work around it. 

How do I pay for sessions ?

Services are invoiced in advance, on a monthly basis. Once the consultation is completed, an invoice will be raised for the first month of services. The program will begin upon payment of the first invoice.

How does your cancellation policy work ?

Clients need to give 24 hours notice to cancel or reschedule a session or else the session will be charged at full price.

What will happen to my sessions if I travel for work or go on holiday ?

There are a number of options available, depending on where you are in your training, and the time difference. You can either:

  • Transfer the sessions online

  • Pause until you return

Note - any sessions purchased are only valid for 6 months from date of purchase. Any sessions required beyond that time will need to be invoiced separately.